Brand Marketing and Distribution S.r.l.s
We deal in Toiletries, Cosmetics, Perfumes, Confectionary, Food & Drinks.

We are trusted for our professional and streamlined efficiency within the industry for delivering on time to businesses worldwide. With our vast network of customers and suppliers, globally we pride ourselves in providing cost-effective, premium quality products with a huge variety of stock.

With our combined experience of more than 25 years in the industry we have a portfolio of premium and exceptional product range. To ensure an unparalleled service we maintain prompt communication channel with our suppliers and buyers to ensure smooth and timely delivery.

We have a strong base with top leading global FMCG brands and we hold direct and indirect accounts with many of the worlds leading FMCG companies which includes but not limited to Unilever, P&G, J&J, GSK, Coca Cola, Kellogg's, Master-foods, PepsiCo, etc.
Some of global brands we deal.